psychosocial development tasks of adolescence is to achieve maturity and identity formation. For fellow teens have a very strong role, such a phenomenon found when adolescents have a style of dress or hair style is the same and the parties to smoking habits to maintain acceptance and existence itself in the group. social adjustment such as this can affect adolescents in determining confidence in the process of establishing personal identity and bring more group identity, thus inhibiting the formation of identity.
This study revealed the appropriate behavior teens pictures achievement XI and class identity in high school adolescents 24 Bandung, and how big the contribution of compliance in adolescent identity achievement.
The results showed that most adolescents tend to behave accordingly. While the profile of adolescent identity achievement XI High School class 24 Bandung, grouped under the terms of the cut-off value indicates that most adolescents are in a state of identity moratorium. Based on the calculation of correlation, there is a strong enough relationship between compliance with the establishment of groups on adolescent identity achievement. Conformity has a degree of relationship that is strong enough to reach identity achievement, whereas a moratorium on the achievement of identity found in correlation with the level of a very strong relationship. While on the status of identity diffusion Foreclosure and almost no effect. This shows that have contributed to the achievement of appropriate self-identity teens and teenagers do not lose their personal identity with the match, as seen from the achievement of status that signifies the identity moratorium adolescents are at high exploration stage for himself and his environment.
Based on the research it is suggested to parties as follows: 1) counseling personnel: to assist students in enhancing students' understanding of rules and norms in social groups 2) further research: to improve this research by establishing a positive or negative behavior and suitability konfromitas happened young men and women, researchers also can choose more diverse research sites or the consideration of the geographical location of schools, and look for other variables that can affect the formation of identity such as anxiety, self-, moral reasoning, and behavior patterns and parenting teen parents other.
This study revealed the appropriate behavior teens pictures achievement XI and class identity in high school adolescents 24 Bandung, and how big the contribution of compliance in adolescent identity achievement.
The results showed that most adolescents tend to behave accordingly. While the profile of adolescent identity achievement XI High School class 24 Bandung, grouped under the terms of the cut-off value indicates that most adolescents are in a state of identity moratorium. Based on the calculation of correlation, there is a strong enough relationship between compliance with the establishment of groups on adolescent identity achievement. Conformity has a degree of relationship that is strong enough to reach identity achievement, whereas a moratorium on the achievement of identity found in correlation with the level of a very strong relationship. While on the status of identity diffusion Foreclosure and almost no effect. This shows that have contributed to the achievement of appropriate self-identity teens and teenagers do not lose their personal identity with the match, as seen from the achievement of status that signifies the identity moratorium adolescents are at high exploration stage for himself and his environment.
Based on the research it is suggested to parties as follows: 1) counseling personnel: to assist students in enhancing students' understanding of rules and norms in social groups 2) further research: to improve this research by establishing a positive or negative behavior and suitability konfromitas happened young men and women, researchers also can choose more diverse research sites or the consideration of the geographical location of schools, and look for other variables that can affect the formation of identity such as anxiety, self-, moral reasoning, and behavior patterns and parenting teen parents other.

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