Sunday, September 18, 2011



This research paper entitled “An Analysis of Figurative Language Translation in Sidney Sheldon’s Novel: Are You Afraid of The Dark?” attempted to answer the two questions as follow; 1) What kinds of figurative language are translated in the novel?; 2) What kinds of translation method are applied by the translator in translating the figurative language?

In conducting this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The data were 118 sentences that contains figurative languages.

The research findings showed that there were twelve figurative language found in the novel. Personification is the most frequent figurative language used by the SL writer. The underlying reason for this is the SL writer intended to make the story seems more real and make the story more imaginative in the reader’s perspective.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Collecting and Organizing Ideas : The Use of Clustering Technique in Writing Narrative Text

Collecting and Organizing Ideas: The Use of Clustering Technique in Writing Narrative Text

(Quasi Experimental Research in the Eighth Grade Students of a Junior High School in Subang)


The present research was conducted to investigate the use of clustering technique in writing narrative text. A quasi experiment with pre-test and post-test design was employed. It involved two classes of eighth graders in a junior high school in Subang which was purposively selected. Data were obtained through pre-test, post-test, and interview. Georgia Writing Assessment was selected to assess students’ writing. Findings were analyzed by using t-test and Rico’s theories on clustering technique.

The research demonstrated that clustering technique improves students’ ability in writing narrative text on generating and organizing ideas of story (tobt > tcrit, 3.705 > 2.000, r = 0.472). In addition, this technique proposes fun learning, increases motivation, comprehends the topic, challenges creativity, facilitates interactions, provides simple construction, and serves new simple technique to write.

An appropriate technique of writing will help students compose a piece more easily. Moreover, teachers need to rehearse themselves in utilizing the technique of writing; hence they can give a clear guidance for the students. Combination between a good technique and skillful teacher will serve valuable contribution to improve students’ writing ability.

Key words    : clustering technique, narrative text, teaching, writing.

Saturday, June 11, 2011



This research is motivated by the gap in educational practices that tend to pursue public school students only, they are more concerned with value rather than achievement. Students pursuing value by cheating and not sure of the capabilities it has. Students quickly feel satisfied with what has been achieved, fear criticism if the opinion and lack of curiosity towards science. Symptoms of low creativity PGRI Cibeureum junior high school students in learning about independent in learning, lack of curiosity, do the job with the cheating, did not appreciate his own abilities, fear of teachers or do not dare to take risks to perform tasks assigned by the teacher or the fear of failure in the student not be allowed to continue because it gives a negative impact on student learning outcomes. Factors that contribute to determining the performance not just intelligence or intelligence but creativity is very important.

The purpose of this research is to produce guidance program to develop students' creativity PGRI Cibeureum eighth grade Academic Year 2007/2008. Research using the methods of research and development Borg and Gall whose implementation is modified on the steps, namely literature, preliminary studies and preparation of hypothetical models of the subjects taken 35% of all eighth graders, which is 124 students for a sample so that the sample into 50 people ( rounding of 49, 6).

Kontribusi Konformitas terhadap Pencapaian Identitas Diri Remaja (Studi Deskriptif terhadap Perilaku Konformitas dan Pencapaian Identitas Diri Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 24 Bandung pada Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010)


psychosocial development tasks of adolescence is to achieve maturity and identity formation. For fellow teens have a very strong role, such a phenomenon found when adolescents have a style of dress or hair style is the same and the parties to smoking habits to maintain acceptance and existence itself in the group. social adjustment such as this can affect adolescents in determining confidence in the process of establishing personal identity and bring more group identity, thus inhibiting the formation of identity.

This study revealed the appropriate behavior teens pictures achievement XI and class identity in high school adolescents 24 Bandung, and how big the contribution of compliance in adolescent identity achievement.

LAYANAN BIMBINGAN KARIR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PEMBUATAN KEPUTUSAN KARIR (Penelitian Eksperimen Semu terhadap Siswa Kelas XI Sekolah Menengah Atas Pasundan 8 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011)


This research aims to produce an effective career guidance services to enhance students' career decision making abilities. The main problem that needs to be answered through this research is the kind of career guidance services that can enhance students' career decision-making abilities. The approach is quantitative research. The research method used was a quasi experiment. Example XI grade high school students study Pasundan 8 Bandung in Academic Year 2010/2011 Science and Social Studies program of 78 students.



The study, titled Personal Competencies Expected Student Academic Advisor departs from the reality on the ground that shows that in general the practice of counseling services is not an academic advisor in accordance with the expected goals. The process of counseling services focus only on the signing of the contract subject at the beginning of the semester. Thus the overall development potential students are not touched even ignored, the service is not running properly so that it appears the impression that counseling services are not needed and can be done by anyone, which is important students get signatures supervisor.

Role of Academic Advisors in implementing the guidance in the professional services are the most important aspect to be explored. Efforts to improve professional skills, so in tune with the demands of the needs in the field needs to be done, to give students confidence to take advantage of counseling services with an academic adviser. research problem is formulated into a question: "what is expected of Personal Competence Student Academic Advisors?

Friday, June 10, 2011



Language learning aims for a skilled person can speak. There are four components of the ability of language skills, namely listening skills, speaking skills, ability to read, and write. This was mentioned by Tarin as a single chess (1981:1). 

Listening and talking is a form of direct communication using spoken language. While the skills of reading and writing is a form of indirect communication using written language. Ability to write and read is a component of language skills are relatively difficult to master language skills compared to the other two are listening and speaking. This is in accordance with the said by Nurgiyantoro (2001:296) that compared to other three language skills, the ability to write is more difficult to master even by speakers who berbangkutan though. This is due to the ability to write shocking

Wednesday, June 8, 2011



his paper entitled “ Improving Students’ Motivation to Speak English through Collaborative Learning “. This study was an experimental research aimed at finding out the effectiveness of Collaborative Learning approach to improve students’ motivation to speak English. This study involved the first grade students of SLTPN 1 Subang-Kuningan. There were four variables involved in the building of motivation, they are initiation, direction, intensity, and persistence which were identified in this study. The level of students’ motivation was measured by administering the questionnaire to the students and the observation. The data were analyzed by using SPSS ver.12. The results show that students’ motivation to speak English can be improved by Collaborative Learning. It is proved by the result of the score of motivation is significantly different between the pre-treatment and post-treatment at the coefficient tobt =-2.709.

The Effectiveness of Detailed Reading Strategy In Improving Students’ Writing Achievement : An Experimental Study at SMAN 20 Bandung


This research entitled “The Effectiveness of Detailed Reading Strategy in Improving Student’s Writing Achievement” was aimed at finding out how and to what extent detailed reading strategy influence students’ writing achievement. This research applied quasi-experimental design, which administered pretest and posttest. The samples involved were two groups served as experimental group and control group. The experimental group was given treatments in the period of one and a half month, while the control group was not given any treatment. In collecting the data, the instruments used were pretest, posttest, questionnaire, and document study. Thus, the t-test procedures were used in the data analysis. In addition, the data resulted from questionnaire that was administered to the experimental group and the data from studying the experimental group’s pretest and posttest writings were analyzed.